Description of December 8th, 2012 Note:11:30AM Start!
Doug Tasse Trail Supervisor
Those chosen to work at Ward Creek will hike to the work site (allow 1/2 hour); others will be able to start work at the Cheatham Hill field site. All tools and equipment will already be at the work sites.
Work at Cheatham Hill will consist of filling the trenched-in trails leading from the paved road all the way into the wooded area (toward the Illinois Monument). A skid steer will be used to distribute dirt to fill and crown the trail.
Volunteers will use hand tools to make rolling grade dips and remove berm from trail side. After dirt is added, wood chip mulch will be added to stabilize newly laid dirt and promote its breakdown into mineral soil.
Volunteers going to the Ward Creek area will work on the raised turnpike. They'll be adding several culverts and stacking rock border and filling culvert areas with stone. Then turnpike will be filled with dirt and stone fragment covering. We'll be using mechanized equipment and hand tools. Teamwork will be of prime importance to get this job completed.
Description of November 10th, 2012 Note:11:30AM Start!
Doug Tasse Trail Supervisor
Privet cutting and debris chipping from an area which was recently harvested.
Trimming and lopping growth from area where the trail leads into woods.
Grading and adding material along trail leading into the woods (downhill section).
Adding several culverts and crushed stone and dirt to lower area
of trail (parallel to Cheatham Hill Road)
Description of October 13th, 2012 Note:8:30AM Start!
Doug Tasse Trail Supervisor
Add several rolling grade dips and or knicks at trail head leading up mountain from the paved road; also, do extensive trimming and invasive plant clearing from that area.
On the Brumby Trail (trail which starts parallel to field along Old Hwy 41 -visitor center)
_ there will be five (5) flagged sections which require maintenance for various issues.
Work will consist of:
Cutting out rotted and exposed roots.
Adding fill dirt (using ditch witch bucket and skid steer machine): possible
1 1/2 dump trucks of fill dirt.
Moving dirt by use of buckets and wheel barrows to fill areas as needed.
Removing trail side Berm as needed and constructing rolling grade dips and/or
knicks as applicable to terrain.
Lopping branches and growth which impede upon trail corridor.
Time and/or increased # of volunteers: Clear out side ditch and clean out grade
dips and remove trail berm as needed along trail between paved road and CCC
road. (areas of concern will be flagged).
Assign crew to complete work on stairs project on Big Kennesaw Mountain and close
off side trail. Also, finish work on the rain water diversions in the stair area complex.
(machine work may be in use in this area, also will require installation of more then
several large rocks). (note: if you've worked on this project in the past we need your
return to have this significant work come to completion: Be a part of something that
will be there form many years to come!)
Clean out drainage ditch on fireroad from paved road to the first turn.
Time and volunteers permitting, we will weed out and spread wood chips at the
stacked fence areas in front of visitor center. Also, fix rocks back into position at
borders and fix alignment of stacked fence at visitor center area.
Description of September 8th, 2012 Note:8:30AM Start!
Doug Tasse Trail Supervisor
Environmental trimming and ground work at picnic & amphitheater area (special project with Randy in charge).
Filling with dirt and armoring grade dips and deberming/cleaning out dips along paved trail leading up Mountain.
Pruning brush and lopping of privet from lower paved trail at Mountain top.
Moving loose stacked fencing from lower portion of trail back side of the Mountain and installing some off trail across from cannon on Mountain top.
Cleaning out and digging deeper drainage/water runoff nicks along trail going down back side of the Mountain top.
Moving rock and correcting rock step/water barrier at turn on trail going down back side of the Mountain top.
Continued pruning along trail going down back side of the Mountain top and across road along the concrete steps.
Moving free standing stacked fencing from backside of the Mountain top to close off social trails along saddle area some 20 to 50 yards beyond the concrete steps.
Continue work on steps project both at fire road and upper area where trail turns right onto level area. (Also propose to use gas powered ditch witch in this area to enhance grade dips and/or nicks). Add rip wrap rocks to border water runoff nicks.
Description of August 11th, 2012 Note:8:30AM Start!
Randall Whiten Trail Supervisor
Team 1 Starting at Burnt Hickory (at the road) work up the hill, repairing steps, washes trimming and putting in rolling grade dips and water bars up to the small wooden bridge. This will be a major project due to all the rain and washing.
Team 2 Up Pigon Hill starting at the wooden bridge again doing trail repair. This is a crew leaders decision on what needs to be done.
Team 3 Leave the Burnt Hickory parking lot and go right toward Dallas Highway doing trail repairs , rolling grade dips rock or stump removal. When you get to the trail crossing for the East West trail, go left and work your way back to Dallas Highway to the Camp B. Crossing.
Team 4 The Hartage Mill Trail. At the Crossing of the East West Trail on the fire road take a right and do trail repairs to the Creek.
Team 5
This is Jay's special request team. REI is sending a group and Jay will be working with them
Team 6
This team will finish the work on Big K and the Steps. I want a new crew leader to be in charge with Jim as an advisior.
Team 7
We will support Dennis and Susan at the Visitor Center.
Description of July 14th, 2012
Jim Moylan & Doug Tasse co-Trail Supervisors
Trail work for the Sat., July 14 trail day will consist of the the following projects.
All work is scheduled on the visitor center side of Big Kennesaw and due to summer warm weather all work will be shaded areas.
Project details June 9th (National Trails Day)
Dennis & Susan and volunteers will continue work at visitor center area.
Their work will consist of weeding, trimming, stacking rock, fencing and spreading mulch.
Harry will head up team starting at the base of the mountain going up the 'old' trail doing pruning and correcting grade dips and trail edge to the mid-mountain fire road.
Cindy will have her team working on the fire road at the area between the old and new trail to add water bar/grade dip with added dirt material and also adding a water bar above the 'U' turn, past the old trail and filling over the exposed and rough rocks in the roadway. Also, they'll be clearing the drainage ditch along the upper edge of road.
Jim is looking forward to forming a team to continue work on our major project of building rock stairs and correcting the trail from the fire road base to up mountain trail.
Jay and his team's task will be to continue work on the trail above the rock steps to continue the work of diverting water off the trail and minimize the rock and loose dirt in that area.
Scott's team has the area from the top of the mountain parking lot down to connect with Jay's crew. They'll be pruning and working at correcting trail edge and grade dips and paying special attention to any loose or badly exposes rock in the trail tread.
Description of June 2 (Scout project) and June 9 (National Trails Day), 2012 Note:8:30AM Start!
Randy Whiten Trails Supervisor
Projects: Project details June 2
Scout project at the 4 rail fence across the street from the Visitor Center.
This is Will Chastain’s project and I am expecting a good turnout of scouts.
Project details June 9th (National Trails Day)
Texas Memorial at the connecting trail to the John Ward trail.
Rebuild trail, fill in wash, correct drainage and fill in rock and dirt.
Equipment Large Ditch witch and about 20 + volunteers. Lead Crew Leader Cindy.
Steps at the end of the fire road on big K.
Equipment Small Ditch witch and about 15 volunteers. Lead Crew leader Jim.
John Ward Creek Trail Clearing. Hand tools.
Lead Crew leader Scott. 20 Volunteers and Volunteers from the Horse Riding Club.
Rework Saddle Trail between Big and Little K.
Hand tools. Lead Crew leader Jay. 5 volunteers
Visitor Center Sod Project Hand tools Lead Crew leader Dennis and Susan.
20 volunteers
Privet Chipping and removal across from the
Cheatham Hill Parking lot. Equipment Skid Loader, chipper and chainsaws. Lead Crew leaders Doug and Harry.
15 to 20 Volunteers.
Description of May 12, 2012 Regular Work Day Completed Project
Randy Whiten Trails Supervisor
Projects: Project details for May 12th
Jim's project on the old mountain trail is nearing the end; it is on the
top of the list for the month. A ditch witch will be on site.
Richard's Steps at the end of the Fire Road on Big K. is another important
Project because of the high number of visitors that use this trail. Rocks will be staged on site
before work day. Picture below!
Doug and Harry will be chipping and cutting Privet across from the
Chatham Hill Parking lot. This project will draw the largest work crew because of it size.
I was at the site this week and there are many stacks of cuttings ready to chip. Also we must pay
attention to the sections already cleared and not allow them to grow back.
There is some clean up left at the picnic area at the visitor center lets finish this up a
leader will be assigned the morning of the work day.
The trees planted needs some 10-10-10 and weed removal. Again at the Chatham hill parking.
If the project at the Texas Memorial is not finished a crew will be sent there to finish
and also to do trail work down and around the IM.
If Dennis and Susan is working at the VC , we will support them.
Description of April 14th, 2012 completed projects
Doug Tasse April Trails Supervisor
Removal of number marker posts from picnic and environmental trail ( 1 mile loop);
also added fallen tree/ wood trail boarder in selected areas.
Rake and cut growth on picnic grounds and clean/paint grills.
Clear growth from amphitheater and spread wood chips at top area, cleared
debris from water trench at top of amphitheater area and from bridged creek bed; also
installed rock trim at the amphitheater bridge.
Rake leaves, debris & bag them from areas along stacked fencing @ visitor center.
Stacked boarder stones at walkways.
Dig trenching and installed rock boarder and put stack stone on top along
walkway by visitor center to protect wood chip and mulch area.
Installed dirt, mulch and wood chips and stacked rock boarder and move and add
wood stack fencing in large area around visitor center Oak Tree at steps area.
Performed trail maintenance, including dirt spreading and grade dips and berm
dressing along some 130 yards of trail parallel to Illinois Monuments road.
Gathered large rocks and built up & extended rock crib wall along old trail going up
mountain @ intersection with fire road. Added fill dirt to level of trail tread to match
new rock additions. (This will be project set for completion next work day)
Tear out rock steps at trail going up mountain from fire road base. Diverted foot
traffic around area and installed water diversion nicks and dips to channel water
away, farther up trail from work site. Laid foundation rock for newly designed
step/trail area and gathered and marked location of rocks for use in the build
work on this project. (Will continue next work day).
Description of March 10, 2012 Regular Work Day Note:8:30AM Start!
Randy Whiten Trails Supervisor
Projects: Five projects are planned:
Jim Moylan will lead a team to finish the Rock Crib on Big Kennesaw; the remaining working includes
some rock work and finishing the trail surface.
Doug Tasse is in charge of the project at the Horse Park. This project was not finished on the
last workday, lot of brush removal, clearing and repairing of the surface.
Harry Carpenter is heading a team to remove invasive plants off Old Mountain Road. This is a job we
need to get done before it gets hot.
Cindy Witt will head the project off Dallas Highway near the Texas Memorial, trail repair.
This is a major project and will take several work days. Fill dirt will be staged on site.
Scott Mackay will be in charge of the Scout project if they work that Day, if not he will
lead a team pulling Garlic Mustard, Yes it is Garlic Mustard Season. This warm weather has started it early.
Description of March 3rd, 2012 Special Work Days
Note: 8:30AM start time!
Randy Whiten Trails Supervisor
Projects: Tree planting day at the Cheatham Hill Parking lot. 1000 trees are to be planted,
the Trail Club with Join with the Tree Keepers on this project. Please be there by 8:30 in the Morning.
The Club and the Trail Ambassadors will be doing parking and signing the volunteers in.
Bring a shovel if you have one. This is a great event for the kids to participate!
Day two of tree planting, this time 1000 trees at the Field at Powder Springs & Cheatham Hill Road,
again be there by 8:30.
Description of February 11, 2012 Regular Work Day *Completed Project***
Randy Whiten Trails Supervisor Doug Tasse is Trail Boss for this event
Projects: Special note, THIS workday starts at noon, 12 PM - 4:00 PM
Work for February 11 will all take place at Kolb Farm area. Suggest that at Check In
volunteers and available crew chiefs, not involved with training be directed to the Kolb Farm
House or Kroger parking lot (area at bottom left of map below) and report to the Horse Parking lot at intersection
Powder Springs Rd & Cheatham Hill Rd.
The work will consist of:
Using Loppers: Clear underbrush and hanging vines from center Island and Outer
ring of parking lot.
Lop off and grub out small diameter trees using loppers, hand saws and pulaskies.
Utilizing chain saw operator (Victor Williams ), cut up fallen trees and cut small trees
at drainage ditch area.
Utilizing ditch witches push and move under brush & cut logs to cleared area
on outer lower side of park lot.
Using McLoeds clear out drainage ditches about the parking lot road. And time
permitting do scraping of drainage ditch to flow water using ditch witch.
Have skid steer machine available to smooth lot and distribute crushed rock
(ground conditions and material permitting).
Have group of volunteers, under direction of Harry Carpenter, work on bamboo
movement to pack into dumpster; processing and gathering bamboo.
Description of January 14, 2012 Regular Work Day *Completed Project*
Randy Whiten Trails Supervisor
Projects: Special note, THIS workday starts at noon, 12 PM
There will be at least three work sites.
(1) Switchback on Hardage Mill Trail, Ditchwitch work and rock moving.
(2) Bamboo Removal
(3) Finishing all projects not finished on Winter Work Days.
I am showing three teams however more may be needed to finish Winter Work Days projects.
Two teams will leave from the 41 parking lot. When they are filled the balance of the Vols.
will be bused up the mountain to the Little Kennesaw Trail Head.
Tools and water will be staged on the mountain.
Ditchwitches will be staged on site with buckets.
Description of December 10th project *Completed Project*
Randy Whiten Trails Supervisor
Projects: Special note, THIS workday starts at noon, 12 PM
1. The Project on Big Kennesaw at the rock crib will continue, we hope to complete that project.
Jim Moylan will be in charge of that crew. Fill dirt will be staged at the worksite before the work date.
2. A new project will be the Hardage Mill Trail Switchback. There has been considerable wash and
the switchback is in bad need of repair. Crew Leader will be Jay Dement.
3. The fencing at the Visitor Center at the parking lot needs restacking, it is very unstable.
Donald Olds will have this project.
4. Bamboo is still an ongoing project. Doug will be the crew leader for that project.
5. The trail on Little Kennesaw just before the new fence is in terrible shape. We need to
prevent someone from getting injured from falling. Also since they are at the fence they can bring
down the balance of the fencing staged by Scott. This project will include rock removal, steps,
and some rock cribs.
Description of Winter Trail Days Projects January 7, 2012 *Completed Project*
Randy Whiten Trails Supervisor
Projects: Special note, THIS workday starts at noon, 12 PM
All the work this day will be on Big Kennesaw and Little Kennesaw.
Teams will be taken up to the Little Kennesaw Trail at the Mountain Road.
Tools will be staged at that site.
One team will have their tools staged at the Maintenance Building.
(1) Team one, finishing the rock crib on the old mountain trail. Tools will be staged at the maintenance building and the team will hike the trail to the work site. Material will also be staged in advance.
(2) Team two, Trail work begins on little Kennesaw below the new fence. The work site will be marked with red flags. Tool s will be staged at the trail head.
(3) Team three, work site begins where team two ends. The site will be marked and tools at the trail head.
(4) Team four, repeat.
(5) Team five, repeat.
Teams will be bused up the mountain in the following order: 5, 4, 3, 2 Crew leaders will meet their teams at the theater and each will be responsible for their safety lecture. Water will be located with the tools. The present plan will be ten per team. As the teams are formed they will be bused up the mountain.
The work site will be from the new fence to the switchback. Rocks need to be moved, some rock cribs and tree cut out of the trail. I think we will make progress but we may have to finish on our regular work day. This trail needs a lot of work.
We will need all the crew leaders possible.
Description of November 12th project
*Completed Project* Randy Whiten Trails Supervisor
1. A crew under Don Olds will sort out the good fencing beind the Maintenance building and take them to the Visitor Center. Also they will move the fencing from the parking area to a spot at the Visitor Center. When this is done they will install the fencing.
2. A crew will go to the intersection of the road to the Illinois Monument and Dallas High Way. The Stack Fencing is down. They will restack the fence and also pick up the surplus pile up in front. While there they can go to the first Cannon Position. A social trail has started over the earth works they need to close this trail both over the works and around the works. Proceed to Illinois Monument and make sure there is not any fencing left in the field in front of the Monument. Bring all fencing back to the Visitor Center.
They also take the fencing down at the new parking lot on Burnt Hickory and bring it back to the Visitor Center.
3. I will take a crew across the street of the Visitor Center and bring back the stack fencing that has been left in that field. We will put the Fencing on the stack fence at the VC. When that is complete we will finish the Clean up at the amphitheater and chip up all remain branches. If that is complete early we will help stack fence.
4. A crew of 10 with Jim will work on the rock crib.
5. Last the hard project. A crew will go the work site on Little K. where the split rail fence was installed last year. At that site is a large stack of rails that can be used on the fence at the visitor centers and also the trail closing behind the Center. I recommend going over to little K from the Big K road. When they pick up the fencing take it down little K not to big K but to the Cut off going to Camp B. road. Reason it is carry it down hill not up hill. When the fencing is on the road we will send a truck to pick it up.
6. If Dennis and Susan is working we can also support their project.
7. Randall Whiten will work with Tom on picking up and trucking the fencing.
Descripion of October 8 project
*Completed Project* Randy Whiten Trails Supervisor
This work day looks to be the largest work day of the year.
A church group is sending over 200 plus people plus our normal group.
1. Bamboo (Doug & Harry) Church group
2. Privet on Cheatham Hill (Randy & another crew leader) Church group
3. Peil Field. The field with all the new trees. (Scott Church group)
4. Rock Crib on the old mountain trail. (Jim & Richard)
5. Bottom half of old mountain trail.
6. Visitor Center Field Trail.
7. Visitor Center Landscaping (If David and Susan are going to attend.)
We will need all the crew leaders possible. Also if you are chain Saw certified please come.
We will be using both ditch witches and the chipper.