A hardened causeway for horses was built to help ford John Ward Creek at Barfield Bottom.
Richard Angeli was KEMO volunteer of the year.
Leah Urban was KEMO volunteer of the year.
The club contributed many hours to the development of a Strategic Trail Plan for the park that is still in the NPS approval process.
Randall Bailey was KEMO volunteer of the year.
Along the way, the club has trained and qualified many crew leaders to lead volunteer work parties, and to serve as advisors for youth service projects such as BSA Eagle Scout Leadership Projects.
New trail on lower segment of Big Kennesaw was opened.
Trail Club signs Cooperative agreement with NPS that defines mutual working relationships.
A Trail Ambassador Program, headed up by Anne and David Strand, has trained and deployed over 20 Trail Ambassadors to greet and assist visitors and assisted the NPS with observing safety, maintenance, and enforcement issues on the trails.
Anne and David Strand were KEMO volunteers of the year.
First "Master Ranger Corps" member was Larry Shogren.
First horse patrol.
Built new web site.
Teens, Trenches and Trails: This program, which was sponsored by a grant from the National Parks Foundation and Coca Cola, introduced high school kids to the healthy benefits of hiking and trail work. Students from South Cobb High School under the direction of Andy Cole, teacher and member of Kennesaw Mountain Historical Association, were involved in this program
First Fleet Foot Hikes. Conducted hikes for visitors.
Club continued to successfully obtain grants from NPS, REI and National Park Foundation.
BSA Eagle candidates completed eight projects in the park totaling 1,026 hours of community service.
17 major trail projects were completed to include re-route and construction of bridges on the Assault Trail.
First Park History talks to 4 outside groups were conducted.
First Staff Rides (conducted tours for training military units) for 3 units were conducted.
Over 40 Trail Ambassadors provided 7,500 hours of service.
Implemented successful Social Media outreach.
Created and finalized fund raising agreements between NPS & KMTC .
Established KMTC Fundraising Committee to support 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain. June 2014.
Drafted Trail Management Plan for review by NPS staff.
Implemented on-line reporting of Trail Club volunteer hours.
Minutes of 19 September 2015 General Meeting
1) Agenda, opening chaired by Scott Mackay, President
2) Hartzog Award comments by Amanda Corman and display of award; Framed picture of KMTC members in Washington, D.C. with Johnny Isakson autograph presented to Amanda
Hartzog Program
KMTC Group accepting Hartzog Award
Slate of Officers- all officers nominated by the Nominating committee were elected to office by acclimation; Doug Tasse accepts nomination as President and Chairs remainder of the meeting
Trail work Report given by Doug Tasse
Scout Report sent by Donald Olds
Invasive Plants Report- sent by Danny Leigh
Treasurer’s Report- given by Tom Okerberg
Historian’s report- provided by Jay Haney and presented by Anne Strand
Program Planning Report- provided by Lucy Denzin and presented by Anne Strand
Trail Ambassador Report- provided by Cam Graham and presented by David Strand
Membership Report- given by Sherry Shogren
Minutes of 1 October 2016 General Meeting
1) Agenda, chaired by Doug Tasse, President
Slate of Officers-all officers nominated by the Nominating committee were elected to office by acclimation. New officers are Gloria Downey, Secretary; Janie Brier, Trail Ambassador Director and Rusty Bradley, Historian.
Trail work Report -prepared by Ken Hale and given by Doug Tasse
Removing the culvert at the new Kolb Farm Trail site
Scout Report-given by Donald Olds
Invasive Plants Report-prepared by Danny Leigh and given by Doug Tasse
Treasurer’s Report -given by Tom Okerberg
Historian’s report -given by Jay Haney
8) Program Planning Report-given by Lucy Denzin
NPS Director Jonathan Jarvis attends Junior Ranger Day
Trail Ambassador Report -prepared by Cam Graham given by Jay Haney
10) Technology Report-given by Jerry Givan
Membership Report -given by Sherry Shogren
Minutes of 22 September 2017 General Meeting
1) Agenda, chaired by Scott Mackay, Interim President. Doug Tasse had resigned for health reasons.
Updated by-laws were adopted.
Slate of officers--all officers nominated by the Nominating committee were elected to office by acclimation. New officers are Donald Olds, Vice President; Bruce Rugg, Trails Director; Jay Haney, Director of Program Planning; Peter Stell, Fundraising Director and Paul Eubanks, Logistics Director
Trail Work Report--prepared by Ken Hale and given by Scott Mackay
Scout Report--given by Donald Olds
Invasive Plants Report--prepared by Danny Leigh and given by Scott Mackay
7) Treasurer’s Report—verbal report given by Tom Okerberg
8) Historian’s Report—verbal report given by Rusty Bradley
Some of our Generals were so famous they were on currency!
View from Illinois Monument in 1934, note McCook monument in distance
Anne Strand Receives 2018
George and Helen Hartzog Enduring Service Award
Article by Amanda Corman
KMTC Annual Business Meeting
Education Room, Visitor Center
September 15, 2018, 10:00AM
-Opening Comments/Remarks by Scott Mackay
2018 was a successfully year. As a board we:
• Completed many trail projects and support many visitor events
• Continued supporting scout projects
• Removed/Controlled more invasive plants
• Stayed within budget (financially solvent)
• Updated our Mission Statement
• Adjusted our By-Laws
• Created Standard Operating Procedures and Position Descriptions
-Election of Officers see
Board Member Yearly Reports 2017 – 2018
1) In April the archives were donated to the NPS for safe keeping at the KEMO Visitors Center.
Index of archives
2) In April the Club signed a 20 year agreement with NPS defining how the two organizations work together. Part of that agreement was publishing an
Annual Work Plan
KMTC Annual Business Meeting Minutes
7 September 2019
-The meeting was called to order by KMTC President Don Olds at 9:00AM in the
Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Park Visitors' Center Education Room.
Attendees included:
Officers -
Don Olds, President
Bill Gurry, Vice-
Tom Okerberg, Treasurer
Bob Brier, Secretary
Directors -
Bill Gurry, Acting Trail Director
Rena Bailey, Community Volunteers Director
Fred Feltmann, Communications/Newsletter Director
(Trail Ambassador Director, Janie Brier, and Invasive Plants Director, Danny Leigh, were absent)
Additional Board Members -
Jay Haney, Program Planning & Archives
Scott Mackay, Fundraising
Additional KMTC Voting Members –
Geoff Grosguth, Dave Skilling, Debbie Dement
-President’s Remarks. Don Olds reflected on the past year including the number of work days, additional Club events & activities, and the impacts of both weather and the government shutdown. He expressed his thanks to all for their continued involvement and support.
-The next order of business was the election of Officers/Directors for the coming year. The slate of nominees listed below were proposed by the Nominating Committee established by President Don Olds following the July 2019 Quarterly Board Meeting. Bill Gurry headed up that committee. There were no nominations from the floor and the slate of candidates was approved by acclamation. Per Club By-Laws, the new officers are installed for the 2019/20 year upon completion of this meeting.
President – Don Olds
Vice President – Robert Willoughby
Secretary – Bob Brier
Treasurer – Tom Okerberg
Trail Director – Bill Gurry
Communications/Newsletter Director - Fred Feltmann
Community Volunteers Director – Rena Bailey
Trail Ambassador Director – Janie Brier
Invasive Plants Director – Danny Leigh
Election notes:
- At the conclusion of this meeting, the Program Planning Directorship is being retired and the Archive function is being transitioned to the new Friends of Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park organization under the leadership of Scott Mackay. Jay Haney has agreed to continue wearing the archives ‘hat’ during this one-year transition period while he establishes a new archive methodology for the future and the Club seeks a new archivist to assume the role.
-Next up, was the presentation of annual Officer/Director reports. The following individuals presented or made available their reports per the published meeting agenda. Those reports accompany these minutes
-President, Don Olds reported (
2019 Fundraising Report .pdf) in more detail on various Club activities and focused on the enhanced coordination process with Park staff for approval of work plans. He recognized Jay Haney for his years of work with the Club acknowledging his ‘move’ to the KMNBP Friends group. He also highlighted the year’s Boy Scout work in the Park in which he has been particularly involved.
-Treasurer, Tom Okerberg’s financial report
2019 KMTC Annual Meeting - Financial Report.pdf) indicated that the Club remains comfortably ‘in the black’, donations remain apace with prior years, and the Club insurance premiums have been recently paid. Tom also stated that IBM will likely match some Club members donations and that a significant donation from Cobb EMC for improvements to the Environmental Trail is imminent.
-Acting Trail Director, Bill Gurry reported (
Trail Director annual report 2019.pdf) on Club Trail Work Day results, Crew Leader Training and the need for more recruitment, and the recent SCA ‘visit’ (praise for the students and thanks to the helpers!). He also made a pitch for more Crew Leader help in the work planning process, and singled out both Janie Brier and Rena Bailey for thanks for their respective Trail Ambassador and Community Volunteer support.
-In her absence, Don Olds read Janie Brier’s Trail Ambassador report (
Trail Ambassador 2019 Year End Report.pdf) highlighting current numbers of TA’s, on-going training, and the year’s very busy schedule of TA support of Park activities/events. A ‘first ever’ TA’s annual meeting is scheduled for September 21st. President Olds praised Janie’s exceptional organization and conduct of the TA program since taking on the role.
-Community Volunteers Director, Rena Bailey reported (
2019 Annual Report Community Volunter Director.pdf) on the Club’s recent support of the KSU Volunteering Fair where Club members emphasized both TA and Crew Leader recruitment. She also provided a current ‘snapshot’ of our volunteers’ numbers and demographics (ages, sources, etc.) as well as the fact that we presently have about a 75% volunteer returnee rate.
-In his absence, Don Olds read Danny Leigh’s Invasive Plants report (
Invasive Plants Annual Report 090719.pdf) highlighting the year’s efforts against garlic mustard, privet, wisteria, bamboo, etc. He singled out the work of Cam Graham with his periodic high school groups and the SCA, and noted the work of the EPMT crew from South Carolina. Danny additionally thanked Harry Carpenter, Eric Sawyer, Rich Robinson and Pic Petelle for their continued leadership and support.
-Communications Director, Fred Feltmann reported (
Communications Director Annual Report 2019 .pdf) on subscriber status, Facebook activity, and participation growth status. He plans to try again to offer a Mailchimp training class some TBD time this Fall.
KEMO Eagle Scout projects 2019 fiscal final.pdf
-Look Ahead The remainder of the meeting was devoted to a wide-ranging discussion of future activities/plans for the coming year.
-President Don Olds welcomed aboard new VP, Robert Willoughby, stressing his corporate world background and work with the Boy Scouts.
-Don addressed the next Quarterly Board Meeting which will be devoted to planning and will take place on October 28th. Planned topics will include the calendar, work plans ‘big picture’, archive plan status (Jay Haney), fundraising, ID’ing future Trail Work Day leads, and possible work interface with other area parks. Superintendent Walther will also give her quarterly Park report.
-Don also announced the scheduled dates for the next year’s Club meetings (10/28, 1/27, 5/4, 7/27 and 9/19 (Annual Business Meeting)) and advised that – like the October meeting – not every session would include reporting.
-This month’s Trail Work Day will be a split location effort which prompted a conversation about the ‘smarts’ of doing that in the future. It raises questions about registration coverage as well as transportation of ‘stuff’ and people to multiple locations. The idea of having assigned groups for each area of the Park (north, central, south) was broached along with the concept of self-initiated (?) periodic minor trail maintenance/upkeep work. And, questions of liaison work with other parks such as Chattahoochee were raised (see October meeting above).
-The need for some sort of enhanced digital communication posture was discussed. The growing popular use such media as Twitter and Instagram would seem to warrant investigation. It was suggested that, perhaps, a KSU student might be interested in putting together a Trail Work Day (?) video for dissemination.
-Scott Mackay briefed the group on an updated Volunteer Hours Recording app created by Mark Angeli that he’s implementing for the KMNBP Friends group. It should be readily adaptable for KMTC and would allow easy entry of and look back at volunteer hours. Park staff will have ready access to its database for reporting purposes. Scott will host a demo in the Park Visitor Center on September 28th at 9:00AM.
-Don reminded the group of coming ‘events’ such as the new traffic roundabout, the Wallace House project, the city/county multi-use trails, and of the potential for KMTC involvement in those projects.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40AM. The next Quarterly Board Meeting – a dedicated planning session - is set for October 28th, 2019 at 6:00PM in the Park Visitors’ Center Education Room.
JROTC and ditch witch

Rena and Bill in a Gator

TA continuing ed
KMTC Annual Business Meeting Minutes
19 September 2020
Owing to the on-going coronavirus pandemic, the meeting was conducted virtually using Zoom. It was called to order by KMTC President Don Olds at 9:00AM. Attendees included:
Don Olds, President
Tom Okerberg, Treasurer
Bob Brier, Secretary
(Vice-President Robert Willoughby was absent)
Bill Gurry, Trail Director
Rena Bailey, Community Volunteers Director
Janie Brier, Trail Ambassador Director (
Trail Ambassador Rpt
(Fred Feltmann, Communications/Newsletter Director and Danny Leigh, Invasive Plants Director, were absent)
Additional Board Members
Jay Haney, Program Planning & Archives
Scott Mackay, Fundraising
Additional KMTC Voting Members
Laurie Poppell (taking over archiving/record-keeping duties from Jay Haney)
Ted Spetnagel, Trail Ambassador
-President Olds welcomed everyone and introduced new Park Superintendent, Patrick Gammon, who gave the group a rundown on his background and some of what he envisions for the Park on his watch.
- -Mr. Gammon has been with NPS since 1990 and has served at multiple locations across the country. He is a hiker, backpacker, and occasional horse rider.
- -He is sensitive to the need for more public outreach and the increased use of technology to get out both the Park’s and the Civil War’s story.
- -He is more interested in getting the existing trails ‘up-to-speed’ than in creating new trails, as well as better defining and marking (or, closing) ‘feeder’ vs ‘social’ vs ‘formal’ trails.
- -He believes recent legislation providing more funding for NPS will result over the next couple of years in more contracting out of maintenance activities as well as, possibly, an increase in Park staff.
- -He will seek to strike a balance between the needs of the various Park user groups while protecting the grounds (i.e., more signage, public education, and media use).
-President Olds then took the opportunity to recap the year just completed and provide a look-ahead to the next stating that much will be determined by the on-going pandemic
- -He summed up the trail project planning and the training of KMTC members that took place
- -He reported on a recent meeting between himself, Trail Ambassador Director, Janie Brier, and Park staff to address the Club’s current roles & activities versus their original ‘back in the day’ charter. KMTC needs to support the staff’s goals and objectives, but standardization of training and roles needs to be better clarified.
- -He highlighted recent equipment training for KMTC members and spoke to possible options for compliance training in the future. More Crew Leader training is in the offing.
- -He emphasized the need for the Club to be ready to adapt to the ‘new normal’ in the months ahead. The days of the LARGE volunteer Trail Workday may be over for a while.
- -He spoke to the need for us all to be constantly recruiting and giving thought to who may take our places and lead the Club in future.
-Secretary, Bob Brier, then reported on the annual election results. All currently serving Officers/Directors other than the Vice-President agreed to serve for another year. There were no nominations ‘from the floor’ or dissenting votes. The slate of nominees was accepted by, essentially, acclamation and the Officers/Directors were immediately – per the Club By-Laws - installed in office.
-Treasurer, Tom Okerberg, reviewed his annual Financial Report (
Treasurer's Report ). He highlighted recent donations (particularly those of various Club members), spoke to the status of our liability insurance (he found a cheaper provider), and reported that we remain comfortably (about $10K) ‘in the black’.
-Trail Director, Bill Gurry, gave a summary (
Trail accomplishments Rpt ) of the relatively uneventful past year, spoke to some recent trail maintenance activity, and provided his take on the likely year ahead from a trail work perspective.
- -Last year we lost nine Trail Workdays to a combination of weather and coronavirus restrictions.
- -He has about half a dozen work projects planned that are awaiting the Park’s (Carlos Thurston’s) approval/direction. These are envisioned as small (10 people or less) actions using just Club personnel.
- -A recent such small group effort on the 24-Gun Trail bridge was a resounding success.
- -Future larger scale projects (some likely requiring contract work with Club assistance) include: a new Kolb Farm Trail bridge; the Hensley Creek dam pipe ‘rehab’; Cheatham Hill trail rut/erosion repair (there are compliance and archaeology issues there); general Mountain Trail maintenance; the New Salem Church Trail/Burnt Hickory road crossing.
- -Once again – as at the late-July Board Meeting - he emphasized the need for simple, basic trail maintenance actions all over the Park (in small groups) and the requirement for direction from Carlos on such actions.
-At this point, the meeting was opened for general discussion/comment. Community Volunteers Director, Rena Bailey, advised that she has been in contact with KSU regarding their desire to come out and do some work. President Olds advised that it is still too early to plan such an event not least because the Park has not yet resumed their own volunteer activities.
-President Olds then wrapped up the meeting by 1) announcing a memorial luncheon for late KMTC Crew Leader and friend, Ken Hale, to be held at Laredo’s restaurant on Saturday, 26 September, and 2) providing the dates for the scheduled Quarterly Board Meetings in the coming year (10/26, 1/25, 4/26/7/26) and next year’s Annual Business Meeting (9/26).
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00AM.
Bob Brier
KMTC Secretary
KMTC Annual Business Meeting Minutes
September 18, 2021
The KMTC meeting was held at the Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Park’s maintenance building – tool bay area and was called to order by KMTC President Don Olds at 9:00AM.
Attendees included:
Don Olds, President
Tom Okerberg, Treasurer
Bob Brier, Secretary
Bill Gurry, Trail Director
Rena Bailey, Community Volunteers Director
Janie Brier, Trail Ambassador Director
Fred Feltmann, Communications/Newsletter Director
(Danny Leigh, Invasive Plants Director, & Jerry Given, Technology Director were absent)
Additional Board Members -
Laurie Poppell - Archives
Scott Mackay, Fundraising
Additional KMTC Voting Members –
Cindy Witts, Trail Ambassador
Mike Collett, Crew Leader
Amanda Corman, Park Volunteer Coordinator
President Olds welcomed everyone. President Olds did a brief recap of the year thanking everyone for their volunteering service this past year and updated that the Park hired a new maintenance person named Zoe. President Olds gave a special recognition to Cindy Witts who is leaving the KMTC due to a move to Kansas and thanked her for her volunteer service the past 12 years. President Olds also recognized Bob Brier for all this hard work as Secretary for the Club the past years and Jamie Brier work as Trail Ambassador Director. President Olds then asked the Community Volunteer Director, Trail Director and Treasurer to present their reports.
Rena Bailey, Community Volunteers Director, (Volunteer Report attached) reported that workdays have started and with reestablishment of some of the schools (Hillgrove JRTOC & Wheeler HS) groups are signing up to volunteer on trail workdays. Allatoona HS may not come back. Approximately 117 volunteers have put in 468 volunteer hours on workdays. Due to the park’s guidelines that the KTMC can only have a max of 50 volunteers sign up on workdays (which includes crew leaders & trail ambassadors) this will limit the Club to signing up 30 to 40 volunteers per workday.
Treasurer, Tom Okerberg, reviewed the annual Financial Report (copy attached). He highlighted recent donations (particularly those of various Club members), and reported that we remain comfortably with a $25,607 current balance.
Trail Director, Bill Gurry, gave a brief summary of the past year and the effects of the Covid pandemic this past year. There are few big projects needed and the will meet with the Park to establish future work (Trail Director Report attached). The next workday will be on Saturday, September 25 on the Environmental Trail. Bill Gurry stated he was stepping down as Trail Director and nominated Mike Collett as the new Trail Director.
Amanda Corman, Park Volunteer Coordinator reported the need for volunteers to get hours in before the end of the Park’s fiscal year (Sept 30) and how important the volunteers hours help the Park with allocation funds from the National Park to the Park. Amanda discussed the new National Parks guidelines that no more than 50 volunteers can be signed up for any one event at the Park including KMTC workdays and more than 50 volunteers has to be approved by the Park by reaching out to her. There was some discussion of the two clubs- KM Friends Club and the KMTC being totally separate clubs when meeting the 50-volunteer head count for events and should not be a problem. Amanda provided a handout to provided to any volunteer who works on September 25, the National Park Day.
Bob Brier, Secretary, moved that the Adoption of the Amended By-Laws (attached) be approved (this amendment replaces the 2013 MOU reference in the By-Laws to the 2019 Philanthropic Partnership Agreement between the Club and the Park) and a member seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Elections: Bob Brier moved that the elections of the 2021-2022 Officers/Directors be approved. All seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously for the 2021-2022 new/current Officer’s and Director’s as follows:
President - Vacant
Donald Olds – Vice President
Tom Okerberg, Treasurer
Laurie Poppell, Secretary (Bob Brier stepped down)
Mike Collett, Trail Director
Rena Bailey, Community Volunteers Director
Fred Feltmann, Communications/Newsletter Director
Director Fred Feltmann, Communications/Newsletter Director
Danny Leigh, Invasive Plants Director
Jerry Given, Technology Director
Trail Ambassador Director – Vacant
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00AM.
Future Dates:
September 25, 2021 – Trail Work Day (Public Lands Day)
October 25, 2021 – KMTC Board Meeting
Reports from the meeting
KMTC Annual Business Meeting Minutes 9-18-21
KMTC September 2021 Annual Trail Director Report
KMTC Trail Ambassador 2021 Year End Report
KMTC - Community Volunteers 2021 Annual Report
KEMO Trail Club Treasurer's 2021 Annual Report
Copy of KMTC - Trail 2021 priorities
KMTC Annual Business Meeting Minutes
September 17, 2022
The KMTC Annual meeting was held at the Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Park’s Visitor Center - Education Room and was called to order by KMTC Vice-President Don Olds at 9:00 AM.
Attendees included:
Officers: Don Olds, Vice President; Tom Okerberg, Treasurer; Laurie Poppell, Secretary
Directors: Mike Collett, Trail Director; Rena Bailey, Community Volunteers Director;
Fred Feltmann, Communications/Newsletter Director;
(Danny Leigh, Invasive Plants Director, & Jerry Given, Technology Director were absent)
Ad Hoc Directors: Scott Mackay, Fundraising
KEMO Park: Amanda Corman, Park Ranger & Volunteer Coordinator, Raymond Hamel, KEMO Chief of Interpretation; Daniel Lee, Intern; Avery Stanley, Intern
Additional KMTC Voting Members
Gayle McAllister, Tom Taylor, Wendy Turner, Lewis Bramlett, Anne Haney, Jay Haney, Geoffrey Grosguth, & Bob Brier
Order of Business:
Welcome: Vice President Olds did a brief welcome.
Park Status (Amanda Corman)
Amanda reported the need for volunteers to get hours in before the end of the Park’s fiscal year (Sept 30) and how important the volunteers hours help the Park with allocation funds from the National Park to the Park. Amanda reported on the Park will be participating on the Scarecrow on the Square in Marietta in October and encourage folks to come out support this, more information will be provided. Amanda introduced the Park’s new intern, Avery Stanley who helps with volunteer activities at the Park and will be here through the end of the year. The other intern is Daniel Lee, the new KEMO Community Volunteer Ambassador who will be assisting Amanda on volunteer matters over the next year.
Treasurer Report (Tom Okerberg)
Tom provided an overview of the annual Financial Report (attached Financial Report). Tom highlighted recent donations and reported that we remain comfortably with a $25,692.00 current balance.
Trails Director Report (Mike Collett)
Mike gave a brief summary of the past year and will meet with the Park to establish future work in 2023. See attached Trail Director Report.
Community Volunteers Director Report (Rena Bailey)
Rena reported that 2022 was a much-improved year over the last two years. Rena acknowledged the hard work of the TA’s, CL’s and Community Volunteers. See attached Community Volunteer Report attached.
Elections (Laurie Poppell)
The following were nominated and with no floor nominations, Laurie Poppell moved that the elections of the 2022-2023 Officers/Directors be approved. All seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously for the 2022-2023. New/current Officer’s and Director’s as follows:
President - Donald Olds
Vice President – Raj Gupta
Secretary - Laurie Poppell
Treasurer - Tom Okerberg
Trail Director - Mike Collett
Community Volunteers Director -Rena Bailey
Communications Editor/Newsletters Editor - Fred Feltmann
Invasive Plants Director – Danny Leigh
Information/Technology Director – Jerry Givan
Trail Ambassador Co-Directors – Gayle McAllister and Wendy Turner
Fundraising Director – Scott Mackay
Records Management – Laurie Poppell
President’s Report (Donald Olds)
Don did a brief overview of the past year and the challenges we faced with the pandemic. Don thanked the hard work of all the volunteers and work of the Directors.
FOKM/KMTC Proposed Merger (Donald Olds)
Don discussed the possibility of proposing the merger the Friends of Kennesaw Mountain (FOKM) and the KMTC. Don laid out the pros (see attached PowerPoint presentation) laying out the benefits for both organizations if merged into one club. Membership would not be a required buy-in or donations and other benefits could be a better experience for volunteers, the Board/committee structure, one Park agreement, and assignment of duties. After presenting, Don opens the floor for discussion. Members addressed their concerns and some addressing the advantages if a merge did happen. Many questions were asked about how this process would happen and when. After much discussions a motion was called - to form a due diligence committee of KMTC members that will consider the consolidation of KMTC with FOKM and if found favorable, present their recommendation with a working plan to the voting members by March 31st of 2023 for final approval. All attending voting members seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Open Discussion – No further discussions
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45AM.
Future Dates:
October 8, 2022 – Trail Work Day
October 25, 2022 – KMTC Board Meeting
Laurie Poppell
KMTC Secretary
Reports from the meeting
KMTC Annual Business Meeting Minutes September 17, 2022
KMTC - Trail Director (Mike Collett)-2022 Annual Report - 9-17-2022
KMTC - Community Volunteers Director (Rena Bailey) Year End Report
KEMOTRAIL CORPS INC 2022 annual meeting treasurer's report 9-17-2022
KMTC 2022 annual meeting Presentation